Sunday, July 20, 2008

Chateau Interior

Sunday 20th July: This chateau is in good condition, but is still under restoration, however, the interior has been very well preserved, and portrays extravagance and an idea of life in the 17th century for royalty in France. We learned that this was one of the first dining rooms ever built as the French typically ate on occasional tables in living rooms. An example of a menu back then included Pigeon Soup! Every inch of the wall and ceilings were covered in art, such as this huge ceiling painting by Le Brun. Louis XIV played backgammon here, agruably! Apparently the kitchen was still operational until the late 1950s! There are candles everywhere, which are lit for evening openings in the summer, and sometimes classical music is played. Next time we'll go in the evening. Very interesting.

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