Monday, July 14, 2008

Big Ben

Monday 14th July: A much cheaper London activity is to simply walk past all the icons of the city. Lunch at the recommended Café in the crypt at St-Martin-in-the-Fields, followed by a leisurely walk from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace, via the Houses of Parliament, was a pleasant way to discover London for ourseleves, and introduce it to our children. We could also audibly keep track of the time with the Big Ben Westminster chimes every 15 minutes. We also experienced the London wildlife in St James' Park, with very tame squirrels, as well as various waterbird species around the ponds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

London on the cheap is possible - if you know where to look. St Martin-in-the-Fields is a real treasure with the excellent cafe and great free lunchtime concerts.

The whole site is being renewed. Go to to find out more and to enter a fab competition.